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My name is Chris Lewis. I'm a Chicago-born,
Voiceover Talent, occasional copywriter and
US Navy Veteran, running my home-based
studio off of (of all places) Ft. Knox, Kentucky,
Weird combination, right? Oh, it gets weirder
but, story for another time, my 'sea stories' can wait.
Tell me about you:

What are your dreams?
Your products?
Your Services?

You see, MY mission: (Should I choose to accept it)
is to give your dreams a voice that says to the world:
"HERE I AM!" So, tell me:

Who are you?
What is your message?
What do you want your products or services to say
to your Clients?

Lend me your ear and I'll give you my voice
(For a nominal fee, of course.)

My Ideal Client is one who knows who they are and
what it is they need to say OR one with an open enough mind to collaborate with me so that

we can come up with that message together.
In short, a wide range: From those who need the copy read exactly as written to someone with just an idea and a blank page that needs filling.

Oh! and the ones who pay me in full and on time!

You guys are ALWAYS my favorites. You keep the

lights runnin' and the mics hummin'.

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